Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Reflections from James

Hi Nastaran,
Just thought I'd up-date you on the health equity context in Australia. There is a National Health Equity Network which has just been established - with priorities set at the recent Population Health Congress. I have been involved on the working group from this end. Currently this is unfunded but has a small working group across state/territory jursidictions. We are hoping to access funding to employ a co-ordinator in due course. the best contact for more information (or to be part of the network) is Mark Boyd The federal government recently announced the establishment of the National Indigenous Health Equalities Council Flinders University recently hosted the Fulbright Symposium (a joint initiative between Australia and the US). There was a strong presence of Commissioners on the Commission of the Social Determinants Health (and lots of discussion about health equity, social inclusion, etc). Will forward the report if/when it becomes available.There was also an Emerging Leaders Group - it would be good to link them (perhaps as a partner) to ISECn and the Equity Working Group. Again, I'll try and do this in due course. The WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health are scheduled to release their final report on the 28th August. It would be good if the Equity Working Group could respond to this report via the IUHPE Board. Not sure if you've seen this edition of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia (from late 2006) but thought it may be of interest.

James Smith

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